Step 2.8: Generate search index



Search index

Ensembl supports a very basic (direct MySQL) search out of the box, this is best replaced with a search plugin so we have made available to generate an autocomplete/search index compatible with the lepbase search plugin. To use this plugin in your own Ensembl instance you will need to fork the lepbase search repository and edit the database connection details, which are hard-coded into the perl scripts in the plugin.

cd ~/import
perl ../ei/core/ ../ei/conf/core-import.ini

Configuration options

    SPECIES.PRODUCTION_NAME = Operophtera_brumata_v1

SPECIES.PRODUCTION_NAME must match the value used during import to the core database.

	NAME = lepbase_search_31_84_1
	HOST = localhost
	PORT = 3306
	RW_USER = importer
	RW_PASS = importpassword
	RO_USER = anonymous

Connection details for a search database. Existing entries for the same SPECIES.PRODUCTION_NAME will be overwritten each time this script is run.