SPECIES_DBS = [ bombyx_mori_core_31_84_1 danaus_plexippus_core_31_84_1 heliconius_melpomene_core_31_84_1 melitaea_cinxia_core_31_84_1 ]
MULTI_DBS = [ ensemblgenomes_ontology_31_84 ensembl_compara_pan_homology_31_84 ensemblgenomes_info_31 ensembl_compara_metazoa_31_84 ensembl_archive_84 ensembl_website_84 ]
a space separated list of ensembl core dbs in square bracesSPECIES_DB_AUTO_EXPAND
to save listing all dbs for a given species this variable may be used to specify a set of replacement strings to attempt to connect to (e.g. specifySPECIES_DBS = [ homo_sapiens_core_83_38 ]
andSPECIES_DB_AUTO_EXPAND = [ variation ]
to also load the databasehomo_sapiens_variation_83_38
, if it exists on [DATABASE]DB_HOST
- a space separated list of multispecies databases in square braces
Updated less than a minute ago