BOMMOR = bombyx_mori_core_31_84_1
DANPLE = danaus_plexippus_core_31_84_1
HELMEL = heliconius_melpomene_core_31_84_1
MELCIN = melitaea_cinxia_core_31_84_1
BYCANY = bicyclus_anynana_nba01_core_31_84_1
PLOINT = plodia_interpunctella_v1_core_31_84_1
PIENAP = pieris_napi_das5_core_31_84_1
PLUXYL = plutella_xylostella_dbmfjv1x1_core_31_84_1
CHISUP = chilo_suppressalis_csuogs1_core_31_84_1
PAPGLA = papilio_glaucus_v1x1_core_31_84_1
LERACC = lerema_accius_v1x1_core_31_84_1
PAPPOL = [ Papilio_polytes 76194 ]
PAPXUT = [ Papilio_xuthus 66420 ]
MANSEX = manduca_sexta_msex1_core_31_84_1
For each taxon in the compara analysis, the [TAXA]
stanza links the name used within the sequence/tree files to the associated core database.
Taxa that do not have a core database may be included in a compara analysis by providing a species name and NCBI taxonomy ID, e.g. PAPPOL = [ Papilio_polytes 76194 ]
Updated less than a minute ago